Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Poor little chickadee

This little guy hit the sliding glass windows and sat stunned on the deck for almost an hour. He did eventually fly away.

Monday, March 30, 2009


My fortune cookie had two fortunes in it. Does that make me doubly fortunate?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Creative Creature

Kenize drew this picture of a creature and I turned it into a into a 3D felt sculpture. She picke out all the colors too. She hadn't named it as of this evening, I finished it just before bed. But she did bring it to bed with her so I guess she likes it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mother Nature's ice sculpture

Here is a picture of of some of the ice melting over the river. I thought it looked cool.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Weapons of Mass Destruction

These were the girls toys of choice today. It was nice enough to play outside in the woods and the girls decided they needed some "weapons" to defend themselves from some imaginary creatures. Daddy was nice enough to help with the whittling. Very briefly I wanted to say, "You'll poke your eye out." But I didn't. And they haven't. Yet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jelly Beans

Love my Coffee

I really enjoy my morning cup of coffee and I love my Keurig Coffeemaker. I can make coffee, tea or hot cocoa, caffeinated or decaff, all without having to wash out anything. I can also make one cup of any flavor coffee. I looove flavored coffee and Dom likes it too, so we usually have several different flavors on hand. This worked quite well at Christmas time, eveyone picked whatever they wanted!
I recently found a website where you can order individual cups so you can try a flavor without buying a whole box. Our current favorite flavors are cinnamon bun, swiss chocolate almond and chamomile tea.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

St. Joseph

Dom's family celebrates St. Joseph's Day which is March 19th. Today we went to celebrate with them. They have this beautiful altar set up in their home.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Signs of Spring

Forgot to post yesterday so here's two for today. Some signs of spring-Mud and bare ground.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


We visited the Museum of Science today. You can visit my other blog for more.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tastes like Heaven

I cannot remember what this is called and even if I could remember I probably couldn't spell it. It is a yummy italian treat that my mother-in-law buys and it is so yummy. It is basically fried dough with a ricotta cream inside and it tastes sooo goood!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


This is Becca's Webkinz goldfish, Bubbles. He lives in a real fishbowl. I actually don't even know where she found the fishbowl. We did the real goldfish thing a few years back without a lot of luck. We now have a regular fish tank and the fish are doing fine. Bubbles appears to really like the fishbowl.


Bruins won Saturday afternoon!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Go Bruins!

You'll find Dom and I here this afternoon:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Bob

This is Happy Bob. First name Happy. Last name Bob. He was drawn by Mackenzie and I just really love it. It made me smile and well.....Happy. Happy has a brother named Soop Bob. I can't wait to see what Kenzie comes up with next.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'll post two today since I forgot to post yesterday and they go together. I spend a lot of time in the car driving back and forth to get the girls to and from school as well as driving around to do errands just like any other parent. The first is the road we live on and the second is me driving, well the vehicle wasn't actually moving in either picture but you get the idea.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


As pretty as the cute little snowflakes are, I am happy to see them melt away.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Here is my finished 3D butterfly picture. I threw in some symbolism with this one, see the red butterfly escaping the confines of the two boxes. Escape. Think outside the box.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Nice weather

Becca enjoyed doing some drawing outside while we were at Mom and Dad's. The weather was close to 60 degrees! Notice the big pile of snow behind her.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Grampy's Teddy Bear

I have had this bear since forever. I do not know who gave him to me, but I do know that as a little girl I carried him around A LOT, as you can probably tell by the matted fur, scatched up eyes and the fact the poor thing is squished almost flat. And since forever I have always called him Grampy's bear because when I would bring him to my grandparents house my grandfather would make a big deal out of hugging and kissing the bear and telling me I couldn't bring it home with me because it was HIS bear. And though I had many well loved toys through the years this is one I just can't seem to get rid of. I guess probably because it holds such strong pleasant memories of my grandfather.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Brushing up

I use these little foam brushes a lot. They are cheap and disposable though I can usually get several uses out of one. I like to have them on hand. But what I love is when they are on sale at Michaels. They are usually 30 something cents a piece but on sale they are 20 for a buck!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Reester Bunny

I picked these up for the girls today. It's a plastic bunny with two little chocolate Reester bunnies inside. Get it? Reester Bunny? Reese's peanut buttercups? Makes me laugh.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Littlest Pet Shop

These little critters are popular with the girls. They are called littlest Pet Shop or LPS. Here are just a few of the approximately 1,412 that seemed to be scattered all over the house at any given moment. Okay, I may have exaggerated that number a bit but I swear these things multiply when no one is looking.

Monday, March 2, 2009

In Like a Lion

Here is the forecast for the next week:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Catching up

I have had some computer issues, actually that is just an excuse because we have more than one computer so I could have used another one but I have been lazy and uninspired the past few days mostly because we are due for another foot or more of snow. I just want it to be spring!!!
Anyway here are the pictures from the past few days.
Boomer has this weird habit of chewing on this leg before he goes to sleep. He has done it since he was a puppy and I guess it is just some kind of soothing thing for him to help him settle down before he sleeps.
This is a piece of artwork I created for the kitchen. My husband, trying to be funny, called it faux art and then proceeded to shorten that to fart. Then I punched him.
This is one of my favorite ways to waste time. A cup of coffee and surfing the net.